Experience with Lenuta's Delislim capsules from Vadu Izeya
In my family, all the women are quite plump, my grandfather and father joked that they like ladies more magnificent, so that there is something to hold on to. Therefore, the ideas about a healthy child were appropriate, my brother and I were fed as if for slaughter, striving to put a fatter piece. Despite this, my brother grew up thin and wiry, but I resembled a bun, to the delight of grandmothers and mother. As a teenager, I faced ridicule and rejection, and the boy I liked refused to be friends with me, saying that I was too fat. That's when I rebelled and started dieting, and even frankly starving, in order to lose the hated kilograms. By the age of seventeen, I weighed 45 kg and finally planted my stomach. Two years later, I got married and that's when the body brutally took revenge, in a year I gained 20 kilograms, which did not want to leave. And although my husband was pleased (it turned out that he is also a lover of donuts), I did not feel very well and was ashamed of my body.
Due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is difficult for me to go on diets, because the metabolism is immediately disrupted, which immediately affects the whole body - the skin deteriorates, hair begins to fall out, nails stop growing, blood pressure jumps, insomnia and irritability appear. One day I found out about the keto diet, started looking for information and came across the official website of Delislim. There was a simple and clear overview of the product. It turned out that these natural capsules help to get energy from fats, not carbohydrates. Indications for use and how to use Delislim for the best result were also listed there. I was interested in the fact that the drug acts at the cellular level without causing damage to other organs and systems. And vice versa, it allows you to restore their normal functioning. For me, this was the deciding factor.
The directions say to take the capsules twice a day. At the same time, it was recommended to build a diet in such a way that there were twice as many fats as proteins, and only 10% of carbohydrates in general. Of course, I had to give up flour, but there were no restrictions on fruits and berries. The main advantage of the drug is a decrease in appetite, I began to miss small portions of food 4 times a day. Already in the first week, changes became noticeable - the body got a little tighter, the skin became smoother, sleep returned to normal, the feeling of constant fatigue disappeared. In total, during the Delislim course, I effortlessly lost 10 kilograms without even noticing it. After the fourth week, it seemed to me that I was light as a feather and was about to take off. 5 more left after, so now my weight is 58 kg, which suits me just fine. My husband said that he didn’t care how much I weigh, he would love me any, but he was glad that I began to feel better. I am very pleased with the Delislim capsules, they helped me regain not only self-confidence, but also health.